[...]Shanghai, China A total of twelve HUBER Fine Screens ROTAMAT® Ro1/2600 were supplied for the second construction phase of WWTP Zhuyu There is hardly another city worldwide that is growing with such a [...]
[...]Over 100 completed orders, a total of almost 300 machines in operation in 22 different countries and yet there are still applications where there is a need for a trial. "Trial makes perfect", be it on[...]
[...]Sustainable processing and recycling of mineral waste Mineral-rich wastes such as street sweepings, sludge from sewer flushing and cleaning of stormwater tanks and gullies, and grit trap material cont[...]
[...]Grit washing for Reduction of the Organic Matter Contained in Grit Grit and mineral substances from the grit chambers of municipal wastewater treatment plants usually contain a large to very large pro[...]
[...]From the screen to the screenings wash press – reliable and operationally safe solutions for conveying screenings HUBER offers two different solutions for providing tailor-made and project-specific co[...]
[...]Transport of Sludge Reliable transport of dewatered and dried sludge In municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, but also in industrial processes, sludge is produced which is usually fed to one [...]
[...]Transport of Screenings, Sludge and Grit Reliable conveying technology for different solids In municipal and industrial wastewater, in sludge treatment, and in industrial processes, there are numerous[...]
[...]Transport of Screenings Adapted conveying technology for wet and dewatered screenings The tasks of the conveyor technology range from the collection and forwarding of the screenings to the screenings [...]
[...]Reliable conveying technology for grit and mineral solids Grit is separated by sedimentation in grit chambers during wastewater treatment. The grit settling at the bottom of the grit chamber is then r[...]
[...]From the screenings wash press to the container – reliable conveyor technology for any requirement After the screenings have been washed and dewatered in the HUBER Wash Press WAP® , they have to be di[...]