[...]Charfield, UK As part of the Wessex Water inlet screen replacement projects, HUBER Technology completed the delivery and installation of a new inlet screen and screenings handling project at Charfield[...]
[...]Catch basin, rectangular in shape, made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) stainless steel. Universally applicable, for retrofitting under manhole covers as protection against ingress of harmful chemicals, liquid[...]
[...]Davidstowe, UK Following successful trials using the HUBER Technology pilot plant Screw Press Q-PRESS®, Dairy Crest Creamery in Davidstowe went ahead and purchased 2 off HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® uni[...]
[...]Container plant E-Klär (BMBF FKZ 02WER1319F) with HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID and external HUBER Screenings Wash Press WAP® liquid prior to sludge transport into the digester Development of innovative se[...]
[...]Efficient wastewater pre-treatment to achieve indirect discharge quality Compared to municipal wastewater, the generated industrial wastewater is much more polluted, and the composition of the wastewa[...]
[...]Fig. 1: Validation operation - a pump sump was retrofitted into an existing buffer tank with concrete shaft segments. The demonstration plant HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID is fed with the effluent from the[...]
[...]Stainless steel safety door TT 2.2, certified to security of DIN EN 1627 inspection level RC3 or RC4 Stay on the safe side! Stainless steel safety door TT 2.2, certified to security of DIN EN 1627 ins[...]