[...]Plymouth + Maer Lane, Great Britain HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® Trial unit HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® Trial unit South West Water had been looking at alternative sludge dewatering technologies with low[...]
[...]When applying screening technologies in a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), there are a large selection of possible configurations. WWTPs vary significantly around the world due to differing site con[...]
[...]Freystadt, Germany The HUBER Sludge Turner SOLSTICE® makes solar drying a success The HUBER Sludge Turner SOLSTICE® makes solar drying a success Due to the new regulations and legislation for sewage s[...]
[...]Using the energy of the sun Solar drying of sludge uses the energy of the sun as a thermal energy source. This provides a very ecological, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient process for th[...]
[...]Penzing, Germany Greenhouse with sludge turner SRT 9 Greenhouse with sludge turner SRT 9 Solar sewage sludge drying has become a generally accepted ecological and economical technology. To make the im[...]
[...]Reliable compliance with effluent values In conventional municipal wastewater treatment plants, the final settling tank is the last stage of the wastewater treatment process. The purpose of the second[...]
[...]Process engineering solutions for the treatment of drinking water For the production of drinking water (especially when surface water is used), physical process steps are often necessary to remove sol[...]
[...]The first step of operationally reliable and efficient wastewater treatment The separation of solids in wastewater with screens and fine screening systems is the first step in municipal and industrial[...]
[...]Sludge Drying Cost reduction on sludge transportation and disposal costs. Efficient solutions to minimize the volume of sludge for disposal Wastewater sludge is dried to minimize its mass and save slu[...]