[...]Access door for buildings in the field of potable water supply equipped with a burglar alarm system The security door is burglar and attack-resistant, certified to DIN EN 1627, resistance class RC3. I[...]
[...]Containerized SafeDrink plants combine all components for coagulation, flocculation, clarification, filtration and disinfection in a compact system. The MENA-Water drinking water plant SafeDrink is a [...]
[...]MBR Package Plant for Sewage Treatment – From Sewage to Pure Irrigation Water A membrane bioreactor (MBR) is a wastewater treatment process combining membrane filtration with biological treatment. Thi[...]
[...]Flotation plant HDF S for high solids loads Flat construction with a large water surface of up to 36 gpm (160 m³/h) Simple, reliable saturation system using a multiphase pump Machines can be mounted i[...]
[...]Versatile wastewater treatment for numerous industrial applications Compact and modular design for throughputs up to 68 gpm (300 m³/h ) Simple, reliable saturation system using a multiphase pump Low s[...]
[...]Available as containerized or skid mounted plants, Reverse Osmosis Systems are capable of removing dissolved salts and other impurities such as bacteria, sugars, proteins, dyes viruses, and harmful co[...]
[...]Manhole cover, secure to prevent forced access, weatherproof, round in shape, made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L). In accordance with DIN 1239:2018-4, security tested to resistance class RC3 (DIN EN 1627). Ac[...]
[...]Manhole cover, secure to prevent forced access, weatherproof, round in shape, made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) stainless steel. Design based on DIN 1239:2018-4, security tested to resistance class RC4 (DIN[...]
[...]The manhole cover is designed to be secure, preventing forced access, and is weatherproof. It is rectangular in shape and made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) stainless steel, ensuring durability and corrosion[...]
[...]The manhole cover is designed to be secure, preventing forced access, and is weatherproof. It is rectangular in shape and made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) stainless steel, ensuring durability and corrosion[...]