[...]High grit separation through tangential feed introduction at bottom level High throughput capacity of up to 60 MGD / 3,000 l/s / 10,800 m³/h Worldwide well-proven, reliable technology The HUBER Vortex[...]
[...]Exceptional separation efficiency of up to 75 micron Compact design and small footprint Integrated floating material separation Ideal for high grit loads The new HUBER Grit Trap GritWolf® is different[...]
[...]Designed in accordance with DWA standards or customised design Available with or without aeration Optional separate grease chamber with automatic grease removal Manufactured entirely in stainless stee[...]
[...]With aerated or optionally unaerated grit channel Grit trap designed accordance with international standards Separate grease trap with semi-automatic grease removal (optional) Integrated grit washing [...]
[...]Cable operated coarse screen for reliable removal of bulky material: Pump station protection Seawater intake Surface water intake Sewage treatment plants Screen sizes: Screen width: up to 13 ft. / 4 m[...]
[...]A robust fine screen designed for surface water screening, delivering exceptional operational reliability and optimal cost efficiency Compact machine with throughputs of up to 528 MGD / 100,000 m³/h I[...]
[...]Excellent separation efficiency due to its perforations Reliable cleansing of the perforated plates with a rotating brush and spray bar Very compact system with minimum space requirements Easy-to-retr[...]
[...]Berching/Berlin - The ”board ship“ of German Water Partnership (GWP) has set sail for another four years: On Tuesday, 5 July, the 18th general meeting of GWP took place in Berlin on the seminar ship “[...]
[...]The ”World of Clean Water“ opened the doors of its company headquarters: In bright sunshine, HUBER opened the gates of its corporate headquarters on Saturday, 2 July, from 8 am to 2 pm and invited the[...]
[...]150 good reasons for a celebration in the home town of Berching: HUBER SE celebrated its 150th company anniversary on Saturday, 25 June 2022, with a great employee party at the fairground in Berching.[...]