[...]For high separation efficiencies For any flow rate Easy and reliable screenings transport The HUBER STEP SCREEN® System is highly regarded for its effective functionality, straightforward operation, a[...]
[...]Pioneering screening technology designed for 70° / 75° installation angles Space-efficient design due to the steep installation angle The next generation designed for large discharge heights and deep [...]
[...]Your requirements are our incentive: the demands on wastewater treatment plants and their operators are constantly increasing and to meet them we want to support you in the best possible way. HUBER is[...]
[...]HUBER Global News HUBER US News HUBER Global News Newsletter Archive Blogs 09/02/2024 Berching, Germany HUBER SE welcomes 26 apprentices and 2 dual students for the start of training in 2024 CEO and s[...]
[...]Cerro Verde, Peru Cerro Verde mining site in Peru Cerro Verde mining site in Peru Southwest of Arequipa, the largest mining company in Peru, Cerro Verde, is located. Mainly opencast copper mining is d[...]
[...]Cable operated coarse screen for reliable removal of bulky material: Pump station protection Seawater intake Surface water intake Sewage treatment plants Screen sizes: Screen width: up to 13 ft. / 4 m[...]
[...]Exceptional separation efficiency of up to 75 micron Compact design and small footprint Integrated floating material separation Ideal for high grit loads The new HUBER Grit Trap GritWolf® is different[...]
[...]Wackersdorf, Germany Installation drawing - project planning of grit treatment process at company Hammerer Installation drawing - project planning of grit treatment process at company Hammerer The aim[...]
[...]Classifying and washing in one system Reduced disposal costs Low investment costs Over 90% separation efficiency of grain size > 0.2 mm Reduction of organic content to < 5% Also suitable for classifie[...]
[...]The HUBER Grit Washer RoSF4 T provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for washing and dewatering grit, while reducing organic content and minimizing disposal costs. Reduced disposal costs Le[...]