[...]When applying screening technologies in a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), there are a large selection of possible configurations. WWTPs vary significantly around the world due to differing site con[...]
[...]The HUBER Sludge Cleaner STRAINPRESS® saves money and time while establishing a safer work environment: Decreased foreign material in digester increases gas production Decreased operational and mainte[...]
[...]From the earliest days, water was a convenient and efficient way of conveying the collected wastes to a centralized location to where they could be processed. Since then, great strides have been made [...]
[...]The metamorphosis of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) into Water Resource Recovery Centers (WRRF) has sparked fascinating new insights and opportunities. Early on in these emerging WRRFs, the focus [...]
[...]Plastics have been a foundation of economic growth for decades, but now their presence threatens one of our most fundamental resources: our water Plastics have been a foundation of economic growth for[...]
[...]Muta Mazar, Jordan Until now, most of the sewage sludge produced in Jordan has been stored in open areas or in landfills that are usually unsuitable for this purpose. This approach has a negative impa[...]
[...]A municipal wastewater plant in the United States has a typical design life of 30 years. However, within the treatment system itself, a common design life expectation is 15 to 20 years for individual [...]
[...]Decentralized treatment of wastewater represents a significant portion of the cumulative wastewater flow to be treated in the United States. According to a 2013 EPA Decentralized Wastewater Program me[...]
[...]It is relatively common to hear the phrase “resource recovery” in place of what was formerly identified as a “wastewater” treatment plant. Centralized wastewater treatment is essential to create safe [...]
[...]With the Industrial Revolution unfolding in the late 18 th century, opportunities for employment and a chance to improve living conditions drew increasing concentrations of people to relocate to the c[...]