[...]„There is one thing that is for sure: The age of cheap energy is over!“ Nobuo Tanaka, executive director of IEA (International Energy Agency) This describes with few words why it is becoming increasin[...]
[...]STP Vorra , Germany Mr. Sauerbrey with the new RoDisc® filter screen with 5 discs STP Vorra chooses a HUBER RoDisc® Screen Mr. Sauerbrey with the new RoDisc® filter screen with 5 discs The trickling f[...]
[...]Zell am See, Austria RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen installed in the inlet structure from where a 10 km long pipeline runs to the water works RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen installed in the inlet structure fr[...]
[...]Frame window, rigid, ready for installation Made from two-sheet special 1.4301 (AISI 304) stainless steel profile with intermediate special plastic core to prevent thermal conduction, thermally insula[...]
[...]Universally applicable for controlled ventilation of buildings, especially in the field of potable water supply, and for plants with increased security requirements. Rigid safety louvre TT2.JW (for ex[...]
[...]A municipal wastewater plant in the United States has a typical design life of 30 years. However, within the treatment system itself, a common design life expectation is 15 to 20 years for individual [...]
[...]The metamorphosis of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) into Water Resource Recovery Centers (WRRF) has sparked fascinating new insights and opportunities. Early on in these emerging WRRFs, the focus [...]
[...]Heating and cooling with wastewater as a regenerative energy source Buildings play an important role in the fight against the threat of climate change. Worldwide, real estate is one of the largest con[...]
[...]While sounding similar, "knowing about" something as compared to "truly understanding" are very different ideas. The difference between them is the difference between a perceived good idea and somethi[...]
[...]Ingelheim, Germany Flow diagram of the installation at Biberach HUBER Active Carbon Filter CONTIFLOW® GAK: The quaternary treatment stage Flow diagram of the installation at Biberach Boehringer Ingelh[...]