[...]Access door for the field of potable water supply, especially in areas where flooding is likely Exterior door, flood proof up to a water gauge of 6.5 ft. / 2 m, opening to the outside (pressure side),[...]
[...]Flotation Plants Effective and efficient treatment of industrial wastewater and process water allows recirculation and reuse Dissolved Air Flotation Plants Chemicals Dosing Efficient wastewater and pr[...]
[...]Berching, Germany Not only for critical wastewater but also as an alternative to overloaded aeration tanks and secondary settling tanks of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants Secondar[...]
[...]Fold-back entrance aid, made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) stainless steel For safety access ladders with 11.8 in., 15.7 in., 19.6 in. / 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm width. In accordance with DIN 3620. Note: The 3[...]
[...]Fold-back, extensible entrance aid designed and certified in accordance with DIN 19572 standards, ensuring safety and reliability. Made of 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) stainless steel, for safety access ladder[...]
[...]HUBER SE on Instagram: @huber.se HUBER SE on Instagram: @huber.se An early Christmas present at the end of 2022: HUBER expands its social media channels and from now on also posts on Instagram about a[...]
[...]Dharan, Saudi Arabia Section 1 There are different types of grit traps: longitudinal grit traps (unaerated or aerated) and circular grit traps. Circular grit traps are subdivided into two subcategorie[...]
[...]Berching/Berlin - The ”board ship“ of German Water Partnership (GWP) has set sail for another four years: On Tuesday, 5 July, the 18th general meeting of GWP took place in Berlin on the seminar ship “[...]
[...]Munich, Germany Containerised test plant at Erdinger brewery Containerised test plant at Erdinger brewery A total of 1,816.6 million hectolitres beer were produced worldwide in 2008. Assuming an avera[...]