[...]HUBER masters growing challenges in wastewater treatment with digital solutions: HUBER Cloud Solutions HCS Counteracting rising operating costs and quality requirements through digital solutions Ident[...]
[...]Targeted dosing of chemicals for better clarification performance with less consumption The use of chemicals such as acids, alkalis, flocculants or flocculation aids is necessary in many areas of wast[...]
[...]HUBER solutions for permanent safe drinking water supply and distribution In water networks, many manholes are installed to accommodate branches, shut-off valves, backflow preventers, and sampling poi[...]
[...]Clean and safe solutions for drinking water applications Drinking water must go from the drinking water reservoir into the mains in a hygienically perfect condition. There are therefore high demands o[...]
[...]Complete system solutions for drinking water reservoir equipment HUBER has been committed to the development and supply of equipment for drinking water reservoirs for decades and relies on stainless s[...]
[...]Process engineering solutions for the treatment of drinking water For the production of drinking water (especially when surface water is used), physical process steps are often necessary to remove sol[...]
[...]Complete process technology for the treatment of surface water Surface water can be treated into drinking water using the following physical, mechanical, and chemical process steps: Coagulation: Dosin[...]
[...]Energy-efficient use of waste heat for drying sewage sludge The HUBER Belt Dryer BT is used for the belt drying process, which operates according to the convection drying principle. The dewatered sewa[...]
[...]Using the energy of the sun Solar drying of sludge uses the energy of the sun as a thermal energy source. This provides a very ecological, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient process for th[...]
[...]Production increase or conversion of production make it necessary to upgrade the wastewater treatment systems For reasons of cost and efficiency, industrial wastewater treatment plants are often plann[...]