[...]Reliable compliance with effluent values In conventional municipal wastewater treatment plants, the final settling tank is the last stage of the wastewater treatment process. The purpose of the second[...]
[...]Penzing, Germany Greenhouse with sludge turner SRT 9 Greenhouse with sludge turner SRT 9 Solar sewage sludge drying has become a generally accepted ecological and economical technology. To make the im[...]
[...]Using the energy of the sun Solar drying of sludge uses the energy of the sun as a thermal energy source. This provides a very ecological, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient process for th[...]
[...]Freystadt, Germany The HUBER Sludge Turner SOLSTICE® makes solar drying a success The HUBER Sludge Turner SOLSTICE® makes solar drying a success Due to the new regulations and legislation for sewage s[...]
[...]When applying screening technologies in a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), there are a large selection of possible configurations. WWTPs vary significantly around the world due to differing site con[...]
[...]Plymouth + Maer Lane, Great Britain HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® Trial unit HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® Trial unit South West Water had been looking at alternative sludge dewatering technologies with low[...]
[...]Birmingham, England Installed HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® 440.2 and Control Panel A HUBER Technology Industrial Wastewater Case Study Installed HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® 440.2 and Control Panel HUBER [...]
[...]Solutions for Sludge Treatment Highly efficient and comprehensive solutions for all stages of sludge treatment Mechanical Sludge Treatment Solutions for reliable mechanical sludge treatment - screenin[...]
[...]Mechanical sludge thickening to reduce sludge volume Before sludge with a very high water content is subjected to further treatment, it is a good idea to reduce its volume by thickening. This also inc[...]