[...]Efficient and reliable removal of coarse material from sludge For the operational safety of sludge treatment processes, it is advantageous if the sludge is as free as possible of coarse material and d[...]
[...]Solutions for cost-efficient sludge dewatering Sewage sludge produced in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants requires dewatering prior to further treatment or utilization. Rising cost[...]
[...]Mechanical sludge thickening to reduce sludge volume Before sludge with a very high water content is subjected to further treatment, it is a good idea to reduce its volume by thickening. This also inc[...]
[...]Using the thermal energy of process water to reduce operating costs Much of the industrial wastewater comes from the food production sector: slaughterhouses, breweries and beverage industry, distiller[...]
[...]From the screen to the screenings wash press – reliable and operationally safe solutions for conveying screenings HUBER offers two different solutions for providing tailor-made and project-specific co[...]
[...]From the screenings wash press to the container – reliable conveyor technology for any requirement After the screenings have been washed and dewatered in the HUBER Wash Press WAP® , they have to be di[...]
[...]Treatment of polluted stormwater to protect water and soil Road wastewater treatment plants are used for heavily frequented roads. The task of such a plant is to filter rainwater that runs off roads b[...]
[...]Suitable materials and effective corrosion protection for economical solutions The right choice of material for screens and screening machines is a key factor for their reliable and low-maintenance op[...]
[...]Reliable water intake systems for open waters HUBER offers its customers a comprehensive portfolio of innovative mechanical treatment systems for water intakes, for both new plants and the modernizati[...]
[...]Tailor-made solutions for fish protection We develop solutions that are both designed and implemented to be sustainable and long-lasting. Not only resource-saving manufacturing of our screens and scre[...]