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Grit Washing Plants

Separation of organics from the mineral particles.

The clean grit is removed through a classifying screw, statically dewatered and discharged into a container.

HUBER grit washing plants: Separation of organics from the mineral particles

The clean grit is removed through a classifying screw, statically dewatered and discharged into a container.

Grit from grit traps of wastewater treatment plants

The grit in wastewater is typically removed in grit traps using gravity or centrifugal force to protect downstream equipment. Several types of grit trap systems are available, which not only separate the grit but often also capture many organic particles, depending on the hydraulic load (inflow). The separated material is then pumped to a grit classifying unit, such as a screw or pilgrim step classifier, which removes the solids from the flow without differentiating between grit and organic matter. As a result, the loss on ignition of the classified grit material can range from 10% to 80%, depending on the screen bar spacing and inflow. Consequently, the water content of the grit trap material is high (50-80%), leading to significant costs for removal, transport, and disposal, along with poor hygienic conditions.

Grit from sewer systems, gully waste, road refuse

These raw materials are typically contaminated with organics (such as sludge and leaves) and also contain foreign matter similar to domestic waste, including cans, screenings, stones, and other debris, along with a significant amount of water. Furthermore, the composition of these raw materials (grit, organics, and foreign matter) can vary seasonally, causing the loss on ignition to range from 5% to 80% and the water content to fluctuate between 40% and 90%. As a result, the costs for dewatering, removal, transport, and disposal are inevitably high.


Frequently Asked Questions

In municipal wastewater treatment, grit is separated in a grit trap. This separation takes place by sedimentation, i.e. the grit settles in the grit chamber after sufficient retention time. However, since there are not only mineral substances such as grit in the wastewater, but also many organic solids, these also settle to a greater or lesser extent. As a result, when the grit is discharged from the grit chamber, it sometimes contains a large amount of organic solids. This contamination of the grit with organic matter hinders, among other things, cost-effective landfilling or reuse of the grit.

Grit washing with a HUBER Grit Washer RoSF4 solves this problem and produces clean grit with an organic content of less than 3% loss on ignition, the HUBER Grit Washer RoSF G4E reduces the organic content to ≤ 5%.

A good grit washing system is characterised by its ability to wash out the organic substances in the grit so that the loss on ignition in the washed grit is < 3%. In addition to the effective separation of organic and mineral components, the retention of fine sands is also decisive in practice, which is taken into account in the design of HUBER Grit Washing Plants.

HUBER has solutions for the processing of sewer grit and grit from sewage treatment plants as well as road sweepings. Depending on the quantities and composition of the material to be processed as well as other general conditions, we design a tailor-made HUBER solution for grit treatment.

Conventional grit classifiers separate virtually all solids contained in the grit trap effluent. This classified and partly dewatered grit is usually more or less contaminated with organic particles. With further treatment in a subsequent grit washer, the organics are separated from the mineral particles.

Both the grit washer and the grit classifier are fed with a grit-water mix. In the machine, the grit is separated from the water.

In contrast to the grit classifier, the grit washer is able to wash the separated grit. This means that the separated grit is freed from organic components as far as possible. The grit washer thus produces grit that is almost free of organic matter, whereas the separated grit in the grit classifier may contain a considerable amount of organic matter.

Due to the additional washing, the organic content in the discharged grit can be guaranteed below 3%. This leads to possible lower disposal costs and volumes.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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