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HUBER Band Screen DualMax® Safe and economical water withdrawal

A robust fine screen designed for surface water screening, delivering exceptional operational reliability and optimal cost efficiency

  • Compact machine with throughputs of up to 528 MGD / 100,000 m³/h
  • Innovative sealing concept for removing dirt from the clean water side
  • Rugged design for maximum uptime and reliability
  • Highly efficient and cost-effective operation with minimal maintenance requirements
  • Machine design allows for shorter channels thanks to reduced laminar flows at the machine outlet

Plant operators require durable fine screening machines to effectively shield pumps and membranes from dirt particles contaminating the clean water side. A critical aspect is optimizing water flow behavior in the sewer to maximize efficiency. Typically, coarse screens are installed upstream of fine screens to capture larger impurities, ensuring optimal performance of the fine screening machines.

The correct choice of the mechanical screens determines the stability of subsequent process steps and thus the economic efficiency and safety of the entire plant. In view of the increased demands of operators for high throughput rates using the smallest construction volume and low operating and maintenance costs, HUBER has developed the compact Band Screen DualMax®.

HUBER Band Screen DualMax®
HUBER Band Screen DualMax®
Design sketch: HUBER Band Screen DualMax®
Design sketch: HUBER Band Screen DualMax®

Design and function of the HUBER Band Screen DualMax®

Design sketch: HUBER Band Screen DualMax®
Design sketch: HUBER Band Screen DualMax®

The HUBER Band Screen DualMax® is a screen with stainless steel screen elements and a flow from the outside to the inside of the channel. The screening elements, available in mesh or perforated plate designs with various separation sizes, are tailored to meet specific requirements. These elements are linked to a chain driven by a motor. The chain is guided along a track in the lower section and a chain wheel at the upper end of the machine, ensuring smooth and reliable operation.

During operation, dirt particles accumulate on the screening elements and are transported upward by their motion. A spray nozzle system positioned ahead of the screening elements removes these particles, directing them into an externally positioned launder channel for discharge. Coarse dirt particles that do not stick to the screening elements are also carried upward by additional carrier bars integrated into the screening design.

For environmental reasons, the machine can be equipped with fish buckets as an option to protect aquatic life.

The DualMax® design allows contaminated water to flow into the machine from both sides through the filter elements and exit through the output, significantly reducing turbulent flows downstream of the fine screening machine. This minimizes the distance to the pump, enabling a shorter on-site channel. The robust frame design of the DualMax® ensures safe and economical water withdrawal while optimizing installation time and reducing construction requirements. The machine can be installed as a complete fine screen unit or in assemblies directly within the channel.

The DualMax® can be constructed from stainless steel, duplex, or super duplex materials to meet specific project requirements. For enhanced durability in corrosive environments, a combination of stainless steel and cathodic corrosion protection is also available, ensuring reliable and long-lasting machine operation.

In addition to design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning, HUBER's service portfolio encompasses the complete after-sales service, including the supply of spare parts and system maintenance. If site conditions change, we also adapt the existing plant equipment.

Advantages of the HUBER Band Screen DualMax®

  • Quick and easy installation of the machine in the structure thanks to self-supporting frame
  • Zero carry over: ensuring no dirt particles are transferred to the clean water side, thereby enhancing the operational reliability of subsequent process steps
  • High levels of durability and low-maintenance operation thanks to compact machine design
  • Easy maintenance – all maintenance steps can be carried out at operator level
  • Extended service life ensured by the careful selection of materials and the application of advanced corrosion protection systems
  • Fish friendly solution – optionally available thanks to specially developed fish bucket and fish return system
  • Variable speed of operation to optimize the machines' running times and discharge capacities
  • Lower laminar flows at the machine outlet enable onsite optimization potential thanks to shorter channels
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