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Products and solutions for the safe operation of sewer systems and the protection of our environment

Only with a functioning sewer network can secure wastewater disposal be ensured that meets both water protection and flood protection requirements.

Combined sewers carry the wastewater together with the rainwater that accumulates on paved surfaces (roofs, roads, etc.). In a separate sewer system, wastewater and stormwater are collected separately. The disadvantage of separate sewer systems is higher investment costs, the advantage is that less wastewater has to be treated in the sewage treatment plant, as the rainwater can be infiltrated or discharged into a body of water.

HUBER has various products and solutions to meet the challenges associated with the operation and maintenance of a sewer system.




HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4
HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK1 TS with a cross conveyor for high solids loads
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK1 TS with a cross conveyor for high solids loads
ROTAMAT® Storm Screen RoK1 installed at an overflow weir
ROTAMAT® Storm Screen RoK1 installed at an overflow weir
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 with an integrated gauging weir for overflow measurement
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 with an integrated gauging weir for overflow measurement
HUBER manhole cover SD6, multiple screwed
In case of flooding: Watertight manhole cover SD6
Maintenance-free stainless steel hinges
For protection in case of flooding: Flood-proof Single Exterior Door TT6
HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®
Compact solution: treatment of road runoff with HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®
Eco-friendly heat supply for buildings: HUBER ThermWin process with HUBER Heat Exchanger RoWin
HUBER ThermWin process: heating and cooling with the wastewater from the sewer as a regenerative energy source.
Combined sewage screens for wastewater treatment at sewer overflows and stormwater discharges
HUBER Stormwater Screens

Products and Solutions for the Sewer System

Combined sewage screens for wastewater treatment at sewer overflows and stormwater discharges
HUBER Stormwater Screens

HUBER provides a comprehensive range of products and solutions designed to ensure the safe operation of sewer systems while protecting the environment. These solutions help maintain efficient wastewater management and protect water quality, especially during stormwater events or sewer overflow situations. 

HUBER focuses on providing durable, efficient, and environmentally responsible solutions that enhance the operation of sewer systems, reduce the environmental impact of wastewater and stormwater discharges, and protect urban areas from flooding. By integrating HUBER’s screening and treatment technologies, cities and municipalities can ensure a safer, cleaner environment while complying with regulatory requirements and achieving long-term cost savings.

Below are some key HUBER products and solutions that address the challenges of sewer system operations and environmental protection:

Screens for pumping stations: Ensuring trouble-free operation of pumping stations is critical in a sewer system. HUBER's screening solutions, such as HUBER's pumping station screens, efficiently remove coarse materials, protecting pumps and other infrastructure from damage and preventing blockages.

Combined sewage screens: Before stormwater and combined sewage are discharged into a watercourse, screening plants are used to separate larger solids from the wastewater. HUBER's Stormwater Screens and Combined Wastewater Screens effectively separate larger solids from the wastewater before it is discharged into watercourses, ensuring that only treated effluent is released into the environment.

Road run-off treatment plant (SABA): SABA plants are specialized solutions designed for treating runoff water from roads and other traffic surfaces. These systems help remove contaminants from rainwater before it is discharged into the environment, reducing pollution from urban runoff.

Protection against Flooding and backwater: With the increasing frequency of heavy rainfall and flood events, HUBER provides products to protect against flooding and backwater, safeguarding infrastructure and the surrounding environment from overflow damage. 

Access solutions for manholes and tanks: HUBER offers robust access solutions, including stainless steel components like manhole covers, ladders, step irons, railings, and prefabricated manholes, ensuring safe and secure access to sewer systems and tanks for maintenance and monitoring.

Heating and cooling with sewer water: HUBER ThermWin Process: By utilizing the relatively stable temperature of sewer water (typically between 53.6° and 68°F / 12° and 20°C), this system provides a renewable energy source for heating and cooling buildings. It is an environmentally friendly solution that harnesses wastewater as an energy source, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Treatment of mineral waste: Over time, deposits of mineral solids mixed with organic materials accumulate in sewer systems, necessitating regular cleaning. HUBER offers solutions for the treatment of mineral waste, helping to reduce disposal costs and improve the efficiency of sewer cleaning operations.

Case Studies

HUBER Solutions in Operation

World's largest project for energy recovery from wastewater

Professional treatment of sewer grit

Storm Screening Case Study at Crankley Point STW

Technical road runoff treatment with HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®

Stormwater tanks with effective flood protection in the Principality of Liechtenstein

Optimised stormwater overflow tank functions at Kappern/Austria


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07/25/2023Regensburg, Germany

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Bavaria's Minister of Finance and Home Affairs Albert Füracker visited the Museum of Bavarian History in Regensburg today, Friday, and inspected a plant for recovering energy from wastewater.

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