The HUBER ROTAMAT® family – proven technology for large projects
Multi-Rake Bar Screen 2.0: the HUBER RakeMax® CF, an all-rounder with powerful hydraulics
Two new HUBER Rotary Drum Fine Screens ROTAMAT® Ro2 2600 XL for Salzburg-Siggerwiesen WWTP
Up to 400 million litre capacity: HUBER successfully commissions 18 RakeMax® screens in the Madrid-Butarque stormwater retention basin
From screen building to sewage sludge drying: complete modernisation of the La Crosse wastewater treatment plant with HUBER
The HUBER Multi-Rake Bar Screen RakeMax® – a success story with more than 3000 installed machines
HUBER Multi-Rake Bar Screen RakeMax® CF: An innovative screen system convinces in practice
HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID - innovative overall process succeeds in Norway
Busy - the mobile plants with HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID help in planning and operation
HUBER extends its range of coarse screen systems with the HUBER Grab Screen TrashLift
HUBER combines proven RakeMax® with center flow screen
HUBER’s EscaMax® Gives Greenville a Clean Start at the Headworks
HUBER Rotary Drum Fine Screen ROTAMAT® on cruise ship of MV WERFTEN
HUBER’s Perforated Plate Fine Screen Brings STAR Power to Star Water and Sewer District
HUBER supplies a process system as replacement for the primary settling tank
Charfield STW Case Study: Inlet Screen Replacement Project
When big ROTAMAT® Ro5 machines find their place
Refurbishment project: regional STP Linz-Asten
Reliable protection of membrane plants with HUBER Perforated Plate Screen ROTAMAT® STAR liquid
Improvement of the Maer Lane STW Inlet Works
Flawless operation and longevity make the RakeMax® Multiple Rake Screen invaluable to Guelph’s Screening Process
New product HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID: Increasing requirements need adapted solutions
Pulborough STW Inlet Screen Upgrade - A Wastewater Case Study
Major order: 12 HUBER Multi-Rake Bar Screens RakeMax® for Vienna
Meadowhead STW Wastewater Case Study
RakeMax® HF combines the advantages of the wellproven RakeMax® and a bar rack with a very small inclination!
HUBER supplies the equipment for a major sewage treatment works in Berlin
Huber Technology upgrades the Inlet works at Duncrue Street, Belfast - a Wastewater case Study
Excellent 84% separation results due to the consequent further development of the EscaMax® Belt Screen
Multifunctional Complete Plant installed on STP Ortenburg
Further development of the well-proven ROTAMAT® screen concept: new Pro line
Three HUBER RakeMax® screens for STW Magdeburg / Gerwisch
Further developed ROTAMAT® Rotary Drum Fine Screen with increased hydraulic capacity: ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate Screen RPPS-Star
Mechanical wastewater pre-treatment for membrane bioreactors
HUBER supplies the machines for the mechanical treatment stage of the worlds’ largest wastewater treatment plant project
HUBER RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen ready for the future
28 RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screens to treat Asia Olympics wastewater
Great HUBER Bar Screens and Wash-Presses in Dublin
Twelve 2.6 diameter Ro1 screens in China’s boom town