HUBER Screw Press S-PRESS The sturdy, flexibly applicable sludge dewatering unit

Design and Function

Liquid sludge is flocculated with polymer and pumped into a flocculation reactor where big solid flocks are produced. The flocculated sludge flows into up to two machines installed in parallel.
The Screw Press consists in an inclined 0.25 mm wedge wire basket. The free water drains through the basket whilst the solids are retained inside the basket and conveyed gently upwards through the inclined basket by a slowly rotating screw. Continuous dewatering of the sludge takes place in the Screw Press with an increasing build-up of pressure due to the conical basket, which reduces the sludge cake volume in the press zone. The filtration pressure inside the machine is adjustable by means of a pressure cone in the sludge discharge.
Brush elements on the screw flights clean the basket from the inside and rotating spray nozzle bars backwash it periodically from the outside.
The Benefits of HUBER Screw Press S-PRESS
- Sludge volume and mass reduction up to 90 %
- Insensitive to coarse material, designed for high solids loads
- Minimum wear because of < 5 rpm screw rotation speed
- Low power and water consumption
- Automated operation
- Low maintenance requirements, no need for lubrication
- Low operation costs
- Completely encapsulated, odour-free plant
- Low noise < 68 dB(A)
- No vibration
- Pneumatically controlled pressure cone system
- Extra sturdy design for industrial applications
- More than 700 successful installations worldwide