HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4 Automatically cleaned fine screen with vertical lifting, dewatering and compaction of screenings

Design and Function

The HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4 is the ideal solution for this task, whether for new structures or refurbishment. Contrary to conventional screening systems which require manual cleaning, the screen surface of the HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4 is cleaned automatically. The screen Vertically lifts the screenings, and dewaters and compacts them at the same time. The compacted screenings are discharged into a container or endless bagger for further disposal thus eliminating odour nuisance and pump failure due to clogging.
The screen consists of a vertical perforated screen basket and a shafted auger in a vertical tube. The wastewater flows through an inflow connection and a chamber into the screen basket. Within the screen basket the flights of the screw are equipped with wear-resistant brushes for effective cleaning of the screen. As the screenings are gradually elevated by the auger, they are dewatered. The compacted screenings are discharged into a container or endless bagger thus eliminating odour nuisance. The screened wastewater flows off by gravity or is pumped to a higher level. The filtrate drains through a hose back into the inlet chamber.
The top of the inflow chamber is open and serves as an emergency bypass so that the machine can be submerged without problems, e.g. in case of a power failure. The integrated bottom step prevents back-flooding into the sewer system and thus undesired deposits in the incoming sewer.
The benefits of HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4
- Automatic screening, lifting and compaction in a single compact unit
- Optimal solids retention by means of two-dimensional screening (perforated plate)
- Prevent clogging and tressing in pump stations and manholes
- Integrated bottom step to prevent deposits in the incoming sewer
- Easy to install into existing structures
- Availability of completely submerging the screen
Videos and Animations