HUBER SE awarded as Bavarian family business of the year, category "sustainability"

The German Family Business Association has announced the winners of the "Bavarian family business of the year" award. In the category of sustainability, the award has been won by the HUBER SE Company.
For the association jury, HUBER SE is a flagship for the Bavarian economy. With more than 35,000 water treatment systems installed worldwide, the Berching based business is one of the most important international companies in this sector. "In times of scarce resources and ecological disasters, the economical use of water and the proper treatment of industrial wastewater is becoming increasingly important," commented jury spokesman Dr Walter Schmidt. This is where Huber is conducting pioneering work.
The jury was particularly impressed by the work of the Huber Technology Foundation, which promotes awareness of water as a resource amongst young international engineers. "Companies like HUBER SE are excellent examples of how family companies fully assume their social responsibility," commented Dr Schmidt, on behalf of the jury. "Sustainability is not an empty promise, but plays a central role in operational practice."
The prize of a Nymphenburg porcelain statue was accepted by Georg Huber, Chairman of HUBER SE. Commenting at the Bavarian Family Business Congress in Nuremberg he said that, "the award is a great honour for me and my staff. We accept the prize as an incentive to further pursue our path with determination".