Textile and Leather Industry

HUBER products and solutions for your requirements

HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 units are used for mechanical pre-treatment of process water or wastewater. This type of plant screens out larger solids and separates settleable materials such as grit in the integrated grit chamber. The separated grit can be cleaned from organic contaminants in a downstream HUBER Grit Washer.
The pre-cleaned water can then be further treated with a HUBER Fine Screen to remove fine fibres and hair.
A chemical-physical treatment stage with the HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation Plant HDF further increases cleaning performance. Solids and grease are largely separated as flotate sludge. BOD and COD concentrations are thus significantly reduced, so that the effluent can be discharged into the public sewer system.
HUBER Thickeners and HUBER Screw Presses are available for thickening and dewatering of flotate sludge and excess sludge.
With the HUBER Heat Exchanger RoWin, the often very high wastewater temperatures can be reduced and the heat thus recovered can be used for preheating process water or heating buildings.
As one of the world's leading suppliers, we also solve your wastewater treatment challenges with our proven machines and plants.
Our solutions for your challenges: