[...]HUBER STEP SCREEN® Reliable Separation and Transport of Screenings for High Separation Efficiencies and any Flow Rate Products and Variants HUBER Fine Screen STEP SCREEN® SSV STEP SCREEN® HUBER Fine S[...]
[...]Access door for containers, especially in the field of potable water supply Pressure-tight door , pressure-tight up to a water gauge of 10 m, opening to the pressure side, ready for installation, to b[...]
[...]Sight glass in the bottom of water tanks, pressure-tight up to a water gauge of 10 m Inspection cover , pressure-tight up to a water gauge of 10 m, round, completely made from 1.4404 (AISI 316 L) stai[...]
[...]Maintenance opening, especially in the field of potable water supply Access cover, pressure-tight up to a water gauge of 5 m, ready for installation, round, completely made from 1.4307 (AISI 304 L) st[...]
[...]„There is one thing that is for sure: The age of cheap energy is over!“ Nobuo Tanaka, executive director of IEA (International Energy Agency) This describes with few words why it is becoming increasin[...]
[...]STP Vorra , Germany Mr. Sauerbrey with the new RoDisc® filter screen with 5 discs STP Vorra chooses a HUBER RoDisc® Screen Mr. Sauerbrey with the new RoDisc® filter screen with 5 discs The trickling f[...]
[...]Zell am See, Austria RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen installed in the inlet structure from where a 10 km long pipeline runs to the water works RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen installed in the inlet structure fr[...]