Depending on the region and the type of structure, overflow discharge at a combined sewage screening system occurs several times a year. Usually, it is assumed that a storm screen is in operation for about 1000 hours in 10 years.
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 Sturdy, inverted upward flow storm screen for efficient solids retention at stormwater discharges

Design and Function

The HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 is the ideal solution for this task, whether for new structures or refurbishment. The screen belongs to a group of fine screens designed for high flow rates at an extremely low hydraulic resistance. Two-dimensional screening guarantees a very high solids retention combined with automatic, gentle cleaning of the perforated plate.
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 screens are horizontally installed at the upstream side of overflow weirs. A screw flight is mounted on a half cylinder of perforated plate. As the stormwater flows through the horizontal perforated half-pipe of the screen trough the solids are retained. A screw, with a brush attached on its flights, rotates within the semi-circular screen trough. It cleans the screen and pushes the separated solids gently towards the lateral discharge.
The screenings remain on the polluted water side of the screen from where they are taken along with the wastewater flow. During storm conditions the screen is automatically started and then works fully automatically.
The HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 can be flexibly installed on the left or right side of the weir overflow to optimally meet different local hydraulic conditions. Even if the flow rate is low, the oncoming flow approaches the full screen basket length and the screenings are removed gently without blockage so that a high separation performance is achieved and the headloss minimized mechanically.
The Applications
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 units can be used for a variety of applications in the combined sewage sector.
To avoid another point of maintenance it is generally not intended to remove screenings from the structure. Instead, the screenings remain within the sewer or tank and are introduced into the wastewater treatment plant after the storm event.
The Benefits of the HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2
The screen is installed in front of the weir overflow. This design results in the following favourable benefits:
- Optimal solids retention by means of two-dimensional screening (perforated plate)
- Screenings remain on the polluted water side
- No downstream impact on the screen efficiency
- For problem-free retrofitting into existing structures
- The perfect solution for discharges with limited upstream head possibilities
- Optional emergency overflow
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