HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID Reliable fine screening with maximum separation efficiency

Design and Function

The characteristic feature of the HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID is its screen basket which is horizontally installed in the channel or in a tank. The wastewater to be treated flows through the basket from inside to outside. Whilst the wastewater flows through the open front into the screen basket, solids are retained within the drum. A special sealing between the channel and the front-end screen basket opening prevents unscreened wastewater from passing through the screen basket.
The solids settling on the drum surface lead to gradual blinding of the surface. As a result, the water level upstream of the screen rises. When the predefined maximum water level has been reached, the screen basket starts to rotate around its axis to clean its surface. At its crown a spray nozzle bar sprays water onto the drum surface from outside to remove the solids and flush them into a trough inside the drum basket from where the screenings are discharged by gravity. The screenings can optionally be pumped to a higher level.
High pressure cleaning
For preventive basket cleaning an innovative automatic high pressure system can be integrated as an option. The spray nozzle head rotates automatically due to the water pressure and moves linearly along the full length of the screen basket to clean the complete basket thoroughly and efficiently. Water demand and operator attendance are reduced to a minimum.
Reliable sealing
Every system is only as good as its sealing system in the inlet of the machine. A special PU sealing is therefore integrated in the HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID to ensure that no unscreened wastewater can pass through the screen and best separation results are met constantly and reliably.
Low-maintenance direct drive
The HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID is equipped with a unique, self-adjusting bearing unit. The drum can therefore be mounted stress-free with automatic angle compensation. The bearings are automatically lubricated for maximum availability.
Model Variants
The HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID is available in different designs and suitable for numerous applications of solids-liquid separation.
Depending on the specific application requirements the horizontal drum is covered with a mesh, wedge wire or perforated plate.
Drum Screen LIQUID ww
- HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID with wedge wire drum, wedge wire sizes 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 mm.
- Solids retention with high throughput capacities of up to 10,000 m³/h per machine.
- Typical applications: Mechanical pretreatment on sewage treatment plants, industrial solids-liquid separation
Drum Screen LIQUID pp
- HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID with perforated plate, perforations 1.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 mm.
- High separation efficiency and retention of fibres and hair.
- Typical applications for 1 and 2 mm perforation: Protection of hollow-fibre membrane filtration plants
- Typical applications 3 mm perforation: Protection of plate membrane filtration plants
Drum Screen LIQUID mesh
- HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID with mesh, mesh sizes from 0.2 up to 0.75 mm.
- Maximum separation efficiency and reduction of COD and BOD by up to 40%.
- Typical applications: Load reduction in the preliminary treatment stage, Replacement for primary settlement tank, Sea and river outfall applications.
A tailored solution to suit any application:
- Industrial and municipal applications
- Primary and secondary treatment stage
- Protection of membrane plants
- Replacement for primary settlement tank
- Load reduction in the biological treatment system through reduction of COD / BOD / AFS
- Screening in the inlet to power plants
- Treatment of cooling water circuits
- Brewery wastewater
- River and sea outfall
- Surface and river water screening
Replacement for Primary Settlement Tanks
A special application is the use of the HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID as part of the HUBER CarbonWin® System (see separate product brochure). The HUBER CarbonWin® System is the economically better alternative to a conventional primary settlement tank.
The benefits of the HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID
- High throughput capacity – maximum separation efficiency
- Easy maintenance
- Low operation costs
- Low life-cycle costs
- Optional high pressure cleaning reduces maintenance requirements
- For channel or tank installation
- Various possible applications
- Maximum corrosion protection through stainless steel design and acid treatment in a pickling bath
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