HUBER Technology have had a successful European Biosolids & Bioresources conference & exhibition- 22-23 November at Birmingham Metropole Hotel
Dale Foster, HUBER’s Area Manager, made a presentation on “Did we reach Utopia ? ”
This presentation did not perfectly fit within the 'cross-sector collaboration' area, however, we wanted to share our experience of an exercise with a water company, which broke down many barriers and through the collaborative efforts of many stakeholders delivered exactly what the business needed.
The challenge set was to deliver a cost effective/affordable, standard sludge thickening solution that met the clients exacting requirements and could be rolled out to multiple sites quickly and efficiently using a DfMA approach.
The journey started quite a few years before the actual RFI was released and the presentation provided a road map of the trials, tribulations and eventual triumph of the process. For us, this was the best result of a collaborative exercise we have been involved with and it should deliver significant efficiencies and savings for the client. HUBER were awarded exclusively in October 2021 a Contract Award Notice for what is known as the Lot 4A Framework Agreement.
The HUBER S-DISC Sludge thickener is the simplest & easiest to operate sludge thickener on the market. The two sizes have typical throughputs of up to 20 & 40 m3/hour on typical 0.5% DS SAS.
When compared to competing technologies, such as drums & gravity belt thickeners (GBT) the HUBER S-DISC outperforms in many categories:
- Lower capital cost.
- Smaller, more compact footprint (physical &carbon).
- Lower wash water & polymer demand.
- Significantly reduced maintenance tasks.
- Lowest WLC.
Visitors to our stand, were able to speak to our experienced team and discuss HUBER sludge solutions
- Sludge Screening, Sludge Thickening, Sludge Dewatering
This year we showcased the new innovative Carbon Win® Process along with a model showing how this carbon reduction process and solution work.
With the focus and drive in the industry for both energy and carbon reduction, the HUBER CarbonWin® Process ticks all the boxes. We provided an overview and a structured walk through of the drivers, solution, system design and options followed by the data supporting the performance of the process.
We explained the benefits of the system which are an alternative to primary settlement tank construction on new works, space-saving integration into existing works to provide increased capacity and separation of primary sludge with a significant reduction in (COD/BOD/TSS) as well as significant energy savings through the reduction of the loading on the existing biological treatment systems on the works.
This solution is well placed as a discussion point around the topic of minimising and decarbonising the use of energy in the sludge treatment processes and attendees took away some alternative ideas and options for how to optimise existing works and achieve more efficiency through design of new works.