HUBER and Nereda – driving process efficiency through robust solutions and delivery efficiency through standardised, solutions built Off-Site
When Royal Haskoning introduced the innovative Nereda process into the UK, it needed a reliable inlet works that removed grease, grit and screenings and at the same time a system that reliably thickened the sludge. HUBER were the first port of call for both applications and as both companies are committed to building off-site for safety and construction, efficiency reasons it was a natural alignment.
Standardised DfMA Inlet Works
The HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 – complete plant is an all-in-one inlet works comprising longitudinal grit separation – essential to guarantee the grit removal rates required by Nereda – grease removal and screenings in a single factory constructed unit.
This unit is serving both Scottish Water at Inverurie and Anglian Water at Great Dunmow.
Standardised DfMA packaged screens
A further inlet works innovation was also used at the first Nereda plant in United Utilities at Westnewton WwTW using the HUBER Micro Strainer ROTAMAT® Ro9. This project won two Water Industry Awards 2021 – the first for innovation across the whole project and secondly for the inlet works which HUBER developed with UU’s delivery partner Advance Plus – Delivering Efficiencies through productising complex products.
This inlet works design was developed in partnership for use across the whole of UU’s area – and can be replicated by any delivery partner – it has already been adopted by C2V+ and represents a standard solution, largely constructed off-site comprising HUBER Ro9 screens in tanks with a by-pass.
Standardised DfMA Sludge thickening
The HUBER Disc Thickener S-DISC has long been the go-to sludge thickening plant for smaller sewage works based on its, robust operation and design, exceptionally long life and low cost. The ability to package the equipment onto a plug and play skid, assembled at HUBER’s Chippenham workshop means it fits perfectly with Royal Haskoning’s DfMA philosophy. The first time Nereda sludge was treated in the UK was at Anglian Water’s Great Dunmow site where the skid mounted S-DISC was fitted at the back of the package HUBER Ro5 inlet works and the package Nereda plant.
The S-DISC took the Nereda sludge in its stride and has been installed at Nereda plants at Failsworth (UU) and Radcliffe-on-Trent – for Severn Trent Water where the S-DISC is widely used.
Larger Standard sludge thickening solutions
Due to the HUBER process security around thickening sludge, including Nereda, the HUBER Rotary Screw Thickener S-DRUM are now used on larger Nereda works such as Kendal WwTW (103,000PE) and Blackburn (320,000 PE).
We are excited to support our customers on new plants and are keen to be involved in the early stages of planning a plant to ensure all areas of the process are considered. With a range of trial units available, help with onsite trial / development work can be undertaken.
If you would like any further information on any of the HUBER product range please get in touch with Mike Willis,