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Biowaste Disposal Industry

Process technology for the treatment and recycling of biowaste

  • Saving disposal costs
  • Treating process water and purifying wastewater
  • Minimising residues
  • Separating disturbing solids (plastic)
  • Reducing operating costs

The aim of biological waste treatment is to recover energy from the organic fraction of household waste as well as from organic waste, such as biowaste and food waste.

For dry aerobic treatment (composting) and wet anaerobic treatment (fermentation with biogas production), good mechanical pre-treatment of the supplied biowaste is essential for the reliability and performance of the entire treatment plant.

Targeted treatment of the separated solids and the fermentation residues with the right machine technology reduces disposal costs. Tailor-made treatment of process water and wastewater enables internal water cycles, leads to reduced operating costs and enables sustainable use of water resources.

Most important is not only the choice of effective and efficient processes, but also their implementation with most robust and dependable machines; both are also important for the quality of the generated products.

HUBER Longitudinal Grit Trap ROTAMAT® Ro6 Bio and HUBER Grit Washing Plant RoSF G4E Bio for separation and treatment of mineral components.
The product discharged from the HUBER Grit Washing Plant RoSF G4E Bio: washed mineral material
HUBER Sludge Cleaner STRAINPRESS® separates foreign matter such as plastic particles and dewaters them at the same time - thus reducing costs.
The HUBER Screw Press Q-PRESS® dewaters the fermentation residue and reduces storage and transport costs to a minimum.
The process and wastewater are treated by the HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation HDF to clear water, which is reused as internal process water.
HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation HDF at a food waste treatment plant in Spain.
HUBER Wash Press WAP® at an English biowaste treatment plant.
HUBER Grit Washing Plant RoSF G4E Bio at a German biowaste treatment plant.
HUBER Sludge Cleaner STRAINPRESS® integrated into the pipeline (Great Britain).
Separated and dewatered foreign matter from the HUBER STRAINPRESS® at a biological waste treatment plant in Germany
HUBER products and solutions for biowaste treatment
HUBER products and solutions for biowaste treatment

HUBER products and solutions for your requirements

HUBER products and solutions for biowaste treatment
HUBER products and solutions for biowaste treatment

Organic waste is supplied in solid or liquid form, the latter being mainly contents of grease traps. For reception bunkers we supply customised HUBER Manhole Covers made of stainless steel.

The supplied waste is first ground in a mill and conveyed to a pulper whereby metals are separated. In the pulper, they are soaked in hot process water, mixed and disinfected.

The thus generated hot slurry is then mechanically pre-treated in a HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 Bio (special Bio version) that is specifically adapted for this task, or in a HUBER Longitudinal Grit Trap Ro6 Bio. Debris and other disturbing solids (e.g. packing and wrapping materials) are removed with an integrated Fine Screen, and heavy mineral solids (e.g. stones, grit, sand and broken glass) are separated in an aerated Grit Chamber. The removed screenings are washed and compacted, the separated mineral solids are washed and dewatered in our HUBER Coanda Grit Washer RoSF4. The compacted screenings are incinerated as solid waste, and the washed grit is reused as construction material. In order to remove even finer solids (e.g. hair and fibres) that could clog heat exchangers and form disturbing scum layers in the fermenter, the slurry is pumped through our HUBER Sludgecleaner STRAINPRESS® before being fed to the fermenter.

Within the fermenter the organic substrate is anaerobically degraded whereby biogas is produced. The biogas is used to generate power and heat in a cogeneration plant. The non-degradable fermentation residues are dewatered with our HUBER Screw Press S-PRESS. Dewatered fermentation residues can be utilized as fertilizer and for soil improvement.

Wastewater that has been generated in the various treatment processes is collected, chemically conditioned and treated in a HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation Plant HDF. The HDF effluent can be used as internal process water.

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