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Reduce operating costs – sustainably improve plant performance - HUBER Service partnership from the customer's perspective

Left to right: Erwin Wagner – HUBER Service Consultant International, Torsten Winzer – HUBER Service Engineer Mechanical Equipment, Verena Prauß – HUBER Service Sales Engineer Maintenance Contracts, Frank Müller – Wastewater Manager of Verbandsgemeindewerke Bitburger-Land
Left to right: Erwin Wagner – HUBER Service Consultant , Torsten Winzer – HUBER Service Engineer, Verena Prauß – HUBER Service Sales Engineer Maintenance Contracts, Frank Müller – Wastewater Manager of Verbandsgemeindewerke Bitburger-Land
Left to right: Erwin Wagner – HUBER Service Consultant International, Torsten Winzer – HUBER Service Engineer Mechanical Equipment, Verena Prauß – HUBER Service Sales Engineer Maintenance Contracts, Frank Müller – Wastewater Manager of Verbandsgemeindewerke Bitburger-Land
Left to right: Erwin Wagner – HUBER Service Consultant , Torsten Winzer – HUBER Service Engineer, Verena Prauß – HUBER Service Sales Engineer Maintenance Contracts, Frank Müller – Wastewater Manager of Verbandsgemeindewerke Bitburger-Land
A HUBER Service partnership on the basis of our service and maintenance contracts has meanwhile become a much-demanded HUBER Service product worldwide, especially when it comes to absolute security for plant operation yet low and calculable operating costs!

Preventive maintenance and inspection on a manufacturer quality level and their benefits for the customer, such as 

  • high operational reliability
  • high machine performance
  • calculable operating costs
  • maintenance of value and investment security
  • professional and reliable support of the operating staff on site
  • detailed documentation and report of results after each maintenance for the plant managers

are factors which are gaining in importance, both in Germany and abroad.

Individually and flexibly designed HUBER service systems – a suitable solution for every customer

Due to their modular design and flexible solution concepts HUBER service and maintenance contracts can be optimally tailored to suit customer needs and help to maintain customer satisfaction in the long term.

Meanwhile, nearly 1000 sewage treatment plants, with in total 2000 machines in Germany alone, make use of the extensive benefits! No matter which branch, whether common municipal sewage treatment works or industrial plants, sewage sludge drying plants, dairy producers, automobile manufacturers, or even jails – they all went for a HUBER Service partnership, with good reason as one of our customers reports below!

Example: Expanded HUBER service and maintenance contract of Verbandsgemeinde-Werke Bitburger Land – branch Bitburg and Kyllburg

We are especially happy about one of our major HUBER service and maintenance partnerships with Verbandsgemeinde-Werke Bitburger Land which was signed in November 2015 after a merger of the municipal utilities and is now one of our most extensive HUBER service and maintenance contracts!

With 20 sewage treatment plants and a total of 23 machines this maintenance contract includes both older machines of the year 1992 and completely new ones installed in 2014. This shows that continuous systematic maintenance from the manufacturer ensures that a very long operational life is achieved and the maximum machine lifetime can thus be utilized by plant operators. And there is another decisive advantage we could offer our customer for his new machines: extended warranty to 4 years according to VOB/B (German Construction Contract Procedures) instead of the usual 2 years.

This bonus can be granted according to VOB if the customer commissions HUBER to take over the maintenance of new machines for the complete warranty period.

Plant manager Frank Müller points out the great benefits customers get from HUBER service and maintenance contracts:

"For us, one of the greatest benefits from a HUBER service and maintenance contract is the know-how transfer that takes place when our machines are maintained by competent HUBER service engineers. Every time they are on site our own staff can learn so much, they can watch and discuss with them decisive details of the complex technical machines and plants.
We are very satisfied with the quality of maintenance we have got form the HUBER service engineers over many years already and impressed by their expert knowledge.

Beyond the contractual maintenance it is very important for us that the HUBER service consultant Erwin Wagner is available for us. He provides competent additional advice and has efficient solutions to any problems and requirements on our sites.

Because of the high number of plant and machines we are responsible for it is also very important for us to have a personal contact in the HUBER Service centre and thus get everything from one source. This makes it so much easier for us.

In addition, the failure rate has considerably improved due to the systematic plant maintenance provided by HUBER, we have hardly had any noteworthy failures during all this time! This gives us a maximum of plant availability. Another plus factor for our decision to sign a HUBER service and maintenance contract was the extended warranty of 4 years.

In summary, we must says that we are very satisfied with the services provided by the HUBER service team and can only recommend to other plant operators to make us of the same extensive benefits!"

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