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Your risk free supplier for CSO/Stormwater screening applications

All WaSC’s (water & sewage companies) are under increasing scrutiny relating to unauthorised discharges to watercourses. The task they now face is an eye watering number of stormwater overflows that need addressing in the coming years. This is enormous challenge & is likely to generate an unprecedented demand for screening solutions. HUBER Technology are confident they are best placed within the existing supply chain to provide risk free screening solutions to assist with this daunting challenge.

With almost 1500 weir mounted screens already supplied in the UK & Ireland (1,000’s globally), we are confident that the adaptability of our suite of the ROTAMAT®RoK weir mounted screens sets us apart from other suppliers all of whom can tackle straightforward applications i.e. where screenings are retained within the network. However, what happens if this solution is not viable? This is where HUBER Technology can add significant value to the optioneering process & provide some very innovative solutions. 

Since the mid-late 1990’s, when mechanical screens were first used to protect watercourses, ROTAMAT®RoK screens have been used to tackle double digit spills up to spills of several thousand litres per second. All of the ROTAMAT®RoK weir mounted screens can be utilised to retain screenings within the sewer network, & below we have provided typical details:

ROTAMAT® 0° RoK1 weir mounted screen = Zero additional head:

  • Generates the lowest top water levels of any screen on the market.
  • Relief weir/level of the back plate is very low & can be set to weir height in some cases i.e. no increase in levels regardless of screen operation or power availability.
  • Use of a chamber with integral flow control bulkhead means screenings enter the pass forward flow unhindered.
  • Unique dissipation zone acting as an orifice is incorporated into the screen design to ensure flow cannot short circuit the screen thereby adding to the continuation flow.
  • Mounted on the dry side of the weir.
  • Can be utilised to discharge screenings into separate screening handling plant to lighten the load on downstream inlet works or for end of line applications.

ROTAMAT® 60° RoK1 weir mounted screen

  • Mounted on top of the weir so is the only real option for low-sided weir applications.  
  • Fits in chambers where the inlet pipe diameter dictates the main channel is too narrow for ‘wet side’ screens.
  • Up & downstream relief weirs can be set lower than screen back plate to lessen TWL in screen/power failure scenario.
  • Ideal where surcharging of the outfall occurs or there is limited space on the outfall side of the weir.

ROTAMAT® RoK2 upward flow screen

  • Screen front plate acts as a natural scum board to keep floating debris out of the screen.
  • Mounted on the foul/wet side of the weir.
  • Returns screenings to the continuation flow via a cut out in non-drive endplate.
  • Centreline of screen can be located well below weir for optimum usage of the screen open area resulting in lower head above the weir.
  • Can be installed in series to deal with extremely high spill flows.   

Adaptable to all stormwater screening applications

There are many scenarios where this is not possible to retain screenings within the sewer network & other methods of dealing with the screenings have to be considered. This is where the ROTAMAT® RoK weir mounted screen range comes into its own offering the upmost versatility. 

Bespoke ROTAMAT® 0° & 60° RoK1 weir mounted screen applications:

  • Outfalls from pumping stations where screenings are returned to the network using novel screen adaptations.
  • Outfalls from pumping stations & storm tanks with screenings processed when removed. 
  • Storm tanks where floating material is retained until flow subsides. 
  • 3 or 6 x stormwater overflows where screenings are removed at spill source to reduce loading to downstream inlet works.
  • End of line scenarios. 

Bespoke ROTAMAT® RoK2 weir mounted screen applications:

  • End of line scenarios - Screenings pushed through a bulkhead wall into wet well pumping station or into separate screenings handling plant.
  • 3 or 6 x stormwater overflows where screen can span a double sided weir arrangement. 

Modular design of all ROTAMAT® RoK screens allows maintenance to be undertaken in situ or where personnel access is to be avoided cradle lifting systems can be supplied.

DfMA solutions

HUBER Technology has worked with various prefabricated CSO chamber providers where the appropriate ROTAMAT® RoK screen can be installed in the workshop prior to delivery to site. Ideal where disruption to the public, traffic & businesses needs to be kept to an absolute minimum.  

Risk free, versatile & innovative

  • Longest proven record of accomplishment in the UK & Ireland.
  • Performance tested & verified at all recognised UK research/testing facilities.
  • 3 different orientations / 4 different diameters / 16 modular screen lengths available - Rarely an application we can’t provide a solution for.
  • Simple operation & infrequent maintenance required.
  • Lowest WLC – Single 0.63, 1.1 or 2.2 Kw IP68 ex-rated drives & sealed for life bearings.
  • Fewer mechanical linkages – Less maintenance.
  • Backed up by regional field service depots.
  • Approaching 1500 reference UK installations
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK1 for stormwater discharges
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK1 for stormwater discharges, 0° for zero additional head
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK1 for stormwater discharges
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK1 for stormwater discharges, 60° mounted
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 for stormwater discharges
HUBER Storm Screen ROTAMAT® RoK2 for stormwater discharges
HUBER ROTAMAT® RoK2 weir mounted screen applications
ROTAMAT® RoK2 weir mounted screen applications


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

We welcome your enquiries and want to offer you the best possible support for your projects.

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