Twelve 2.6 diameter Ro1 screens in China’s boom town
A total of twelve HUBER Fine Screens ROTAMAT® Ro1/2600 were supplied for the second construction phase of WWTP Zhuyu
There is hardly another city worldwide that is growing with such a breath-taking speed as Shanghai, China’s boom town. But such rapid growth comes at a high price. Shanghai’s infrastructure can hardly cope. It happens time and again that the power stations can not supply enough electricity, or that even the 12 lane main highway is jammed to a stand-still. Of course, sewers and treatment plants are also under strain and the city administration is doing its best to keep up.
Seven years ago we supplied a pair of ROTAMAT® Fine Screen units Ro1 with a screen basket diameter of 2.6 m for the Bai Long Gang wastewater treatment plant, serving a high-tech industrial park in the city district Pudong. Our screens proved their excellent performance and reliability, which is particularly important for mechanical wastewater pre-treatment.
Because of this excellent reference installation, Ro1 fine screens were also selected for the first construction phase of the plant Zhuyuan in 2003 and four Ro1 screens with a screen basket diameter of 2.2 m were ordered and installed.
Only three years later the second construction phase began. This time we received an order for twelve ROTAMAT® Ro1 fine screens, again with a 2.6 m diameter, the same size as supplied seven years earlier. They can handle a 500,000 m³/d wastewater flow.
However, this time we supplied twelve ROTAMAT® Ro1 screens of an improved version that maintains all its excellent features, but is less expensive to manufacture. The screens were installed in twelve parallel channels over a width of 42 m. They are lined up like pearls on a string.