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We Stand for Ethical Integrity and Legal Compliance

The HUBER Code of Conduct
The HUBER Code of Conduct

HUBER Code of Conduct

Our commitment to ethical and legally correct business

The trust placed in us by our customers, employees, all business partners and the public is our highest priority. This trust is closely linked to our conduct, which extends from the Board of Management level through our managers to each individual team member.

Our compliance system provides a clear framework for our decisions and actions. We are committed to conducting our business activities in a legal and ethical manner.

The central element here is our HUBER Code of Conduct, in which we have written down the principles of our actions. It contains all relevant topics such as acting in accordance with the law, fair dealings with suppliers and competitors, prohibition of corruption, conduct in the event of conflicts of interest, protection of intellectual property and compliance with data protection regulatio

All employees are required to adhere to the principles set out in it and to help ensure that we live up to our corporate responsibility and ethical standards in our daily work.

The HUBER Code of Conduct
The HUBER Code of Conduct
Whistleblower (symbolic photo)
to the HUBER Whistleblowing Portal

Whistleblowing Portal

We are open to improvements

Dear Whistleblower,

HUBER SE is committed to conducting business in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and company policies as summarised in the HUBER Code of Conduct.

If you have concrete evidence that our Code of Conduct, internal rules or laws are being or have been violated, we ask you to share this information with us and to actively assist in clarifying the incidents. This offer to speak up is made to all our employees but also to our customers, suppliers and other business partners.

Please share your concerns with us via our Whistleblowing Portal. The whistleblowing system allows both written and verbal reports. You are free to decide whether you want to make the report anonymously or by providing your contact details.

If you wish to report anonymously, the whistleblowing system allows you to set up a protected mailbox. Via this mailbox, we can communicate with you in writing, ask further questions that are important for the investigation and inform you about the progress of the investigation. Your anonymity is always guaranteed.

Link to the Whistleblowing Portal LegalTegrity

Whistleblower (symbolic photo)
to the HUBER Whistleblowing Portal


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

We welcome your enquiries and want to offer you the best possible support for your projects.

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