Multifunctional Complete Plant installed on STP Ortenburg

In their meeting of 21 October 2010 the market town council of Ortenburg decided in favour of the concept submitted by the engineering office Richter from Passau.
In September 2013, after almost three years of planning and construction, the market town council Ortenburg put the new sewage treatment plant in Blindham into operation within an official ceremony.
The new sewage treatment works is designed for 11,000 PE and provides state-of-the-art wastewater treatment. The treated effluent is discharged to the river Wolfach.
The HUBER ROTAMAT® Complete Plant, type Ro5 HD with an innovative grit trap system, manages the complete mechanical wastewater on site. Several submerged pumps deliver up to 100 l/s wastewater from the underground pump sump to the above-ground installed Complete Plant so that the wastewater can flow by gravity from the Complete Plant to the secondary clarifier without the need for any additional energy.
In the Ro5-HD Complete Plant not only the complete mechanical treatment of the wastewater takes place (screening in a Ro2 screen, grit separation, grease separation), but moreover, the retained pollutants (screenings, grit rap material, grease) are also treated to a large extent. With the use of this multifunctional Complete Plant the building volume for the required mechanical equipment and thus the building costs could significantly be reduced. In the medium term, also the options integrated in the Complete Plant – screenings washing and grit trap material washing – will pay off because they considerably reduce the volume of waste which requires disposal.
With the HUBER ROTAMAT® Complete Plant Ro5-HD the municipality of Ortenburg not only possesses an optimal mechanical wastewater treatment solution but they also have the perfect answer to rising disposal costs now. Responsibility for a clean environment combined with cost-effective solutions plays an important role for them.