Germany’s largest combined method for the removal of trace substances to date: fourth treatment stage in operation at the Uhldingen-Mühlhofen association sewage treatment plant
In August 2023, after more than two years of construction, one of the most cutting-edge systems for the removal of trace substances was successfully put into operation at the Uhldingen-Mühlhofen association sewage treatment plant. At the heart of the new treatment stage is a combined process of ozonation and activated carbon filtration on a technical scale that had not yet been implemented to date.
24 HUBER CONTIFLOW® GAC activated carbon filters and HUBER TT7 pressure door
HUBER supplied the two-lane activated carbon stage with a total of 24 CONTIFLOW® GAC activated carbon filters for reliable biological post-filtration and adsorption. In addition, the upstream ozone reactor was equipped with the proven HUBER TT7 pressure door.
As part of ozonation, trace substances are initially oxidised and converted into various transformation products. In the downstream activated carbon filter stage, these products are partly biodegraded and partly adsorbed.
Reliable separation of persistent and hazardous trace substances
With this additional treatment stage, the largest sewage treatment plant of the Lake Überlingen Wastewater Association now treats up to 230 l/s. Persistent and hazardous trace substances such as medication residue, hormones and flame retardants are reliably separated even before they enter Lake Überlingen. This part of Lake Constance supplies around four million people in large parts of Baden-Württemberg with around 135 million m³ of drinking water each year.