Bayonne in France brings their old well shafts for potable water supply to a state-of-the-art level

The water board of the city of Bayonne supplies the drinking water for one third of the population (15,000 persons) from the valleys of Petchonea, Arquetce, Ipharager and Lapeyeren. In 2011, the Bayonne water association decided to refurbish their well shafts for drinking water supply. The refurbishment was necessary as the old bitumen coated manhole covers were leaking.
The water board put the refurbishment of about 100 shafts out to tender. The tender specifications were for manhole covers including entrance ladders and installations. The cheapest offer was submitted by the construction company Miremont SEE, a specialist in refurbishing concrete shafts.

The requirements concerning the manhole covers were very high. The covers had to be completely weatherproof and with safety locks and emergency escape function. The air vents are equipped with insect screens. Some covers are used for highly sensitive shafts and must therefore be attack-proof. The customer relied on our excellent quality, reliability, and experience, and the cost effectiveness of HUBER manhole covers.
The order was for in total 136 manhole covers, which we delivered not all at the same time but in the course of several months. Security of supply must be guaranteed at all times. Installation was a real logistic challenge because the manholes had to be installed at difficult to access places. But due to our perfect preparation and our easy-to-install products we had no problem to promise and meet a fixed delivery date. Several employees of Miremont SEE worked on site for more than five months.

HUBER manhole covers are an investment into the future. HUBER stainless steel products are acid-treated in a pickling bath and passivated. They are maintenance-free, weatherproof, attack-proof, offer state-of-the-art design, and we have made them more easier to operate: They are very easy to open due to integrated gas pressure springs. Their entrances now meet the applicable accident prevention regulations and reliably protect potable water.
- Order volume: 136 manhole covers with safety access ladders
- Requirements:
- attack-proof
- easy to operate
- emergency exit
- rain-proof
- Design: state-of-the-art